söndag 25 mars 2012

In the pipes...

Here's a picture of the Pipeline:

First Post and Welcome.

Hello World and readers! 

My name is Alex. Freelance graphic artist and long-time Pink Floyd fan.

This blog, I hope (though highly unlikely) will be a compliment to my Youtube Channel which now has been populated with my short animated tributes to the art of Pink Floyd and Hipgnosis

My statement of purpose is simple. I want to dissect, warp and reimagine all Pink Floyd related covers (solo efforts included) for the greater purpose of .... well.... my own personal amusement.

It all began when I saw this little thing and I must say that the fluency and creativness is absolutely astounding. This is brilliant and I bow to the artist, whoever the artist may be.

I've been designing and redesigning Pink Floyd titles as long as I can remember. Sharing and trading illegal recordings (what some may prefer to call bootlegs) saw a drastic boost back in the early 2000s. Direct Connect hubs were set up for this specific purpose, people started digitizing their videos and age old cassette tapes and I was an avid collector of nearly any recording released. 

My main concern then, as well as now, is the visual representation of the work released. Pink Floyd, backed by the visions of Storm Thorgerson and his Hipgnosis studio, has one of the most iconic and recognizable backlots of artwork and I saw a purpose in transposing this to the Bootleg circuit. The output is questionable but occasionally aesthetically pleasing. Eventually this did shift from static graphics to animation and this is where it all began......